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Pulkit Aggarwal

App Developer, Part-Time Adventurer, Full-Time Tea Drinker
Living on Earth (mostly)

Hi, I'm Pulkit Aggarwal, but you can call me Pulket - it's like Pulkit but cooler. I create apps that people actually want to use. When I'm not coding, you can find me globetrotting or sipping on tea, contemplating the meaning of life. Dive into my portfolio and explore how I turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, one app at a time. It's not just about tech; it's about creating experiences that stick.


App Timeline

Diary with Lock: Daily Journal

A daily diary app with a lock for recording events, tracking moods, and emotions. Over 1K downloads.

DirectChat-Chat without saving

Allows sending messages to unsaved numbers on WhatsApp. More than 100K downloads.

Pixi - 4k, HD Wallpapers

Features a collection of HD wallpapers with various themes. with trending high quality wallpapers.

GST Calculator -GST India calc

A tool for rapid GST calculations and other percentage-based calculations. Over 1K downloads.

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awesome Applications


ZenDiary is a daily diary app with a lock. You can use this private journal app to record daily events, capture moods, and track emotions. At the same time, this free diary app can lock any of your private journal, don't worry about secrets leaking.

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DirectChat open is a great tool for your favorite messenger app Whatsapp to send messages to any numbers that are not saved in your contacts.

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Its a Wallpaper app with a collection of beautiful images. You can download, set as wallpaper.

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